There are books every new mom and dad should read. Then there are books they must read. The best part about having some good books is not just that books can be good buddies to spend leisure time, but also the fact that you learn so much about parenthood and other related topics that you couldn’t really have focused on while you were busy being a parent. You must be spending hours working on the balance between child-care and personal life so much that you might have missed out on some important details. These books are for that – for letting you read between the lines and catch up on the experience you have been missing out on.
What Books Every New Mom and Dad Must Have?
Without further ado, let’s move on to what books every new mom or dad must have on their bookshelves!
1- The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson:
While most of the modern motivational books revolve around individual development and self-love, The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson teaches about selflessness and familial development. Life is not spent alone, but rather with loved ones. With a rating of 4.8 out of 5 on ThriftBooks, Sally’s perspective on how parents, especially mothers, should hold the family together as responsibility is encouraging and inspirational. She has detailed the ‘chores’ and milestones of motherhood as a job’s tasks. According to a review on Goodreads, this book is like getting “great advice from an older mom who has been where you are right now.”
2- Desperate by Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson:
Sally Clarkson’s another hit is this book called Desperate, written in collaboration with Sarah Mae. This book is written for you, no matter at what stage of motherhood you are. Its caption, “Hope for the Mom who needs to breathe,” says everything this book is about. Very often, new parents are working too hard to be the best parents they can be, and in efforts of being the ‘perfect parents’, they forget being themselves. If you have ever felt like you are tired, burdened, and losing at being able to go on with the same energy, this book is for you. If you have felt desperate to do everything for your family and drained yourself empty, this book is just the read you need to fill yourself with hopes again!
3- Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Ted Tripp:
Moms and dads are always trying to reach the hearts of their children in an attempt to understand them better, and to kindle a feeling of love and attachment that no one else can match. While Shepherding a Child’s Heart was published in 1995 and may not be very modernly optimized for today’s lifestyles, it has all the theories and practices needed for molding a child’s heart for a better, purer life ahead. Dr. Ted Tripp was a pastor, counsellor, and school administrator in addition to being a father himself, and has included not only his personal experiences for what practices you should adopt, but also gives biblical references to explain why one thing works for your children and the other doesn’t.
4- Loving the Little Years by Rachel Jankovic:
If you are a new mom (or dad) – which you probably are, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this – then you would know that the youngest years of your baby’s life are the sweetest. All the first times of your baby’s learning, including the first word, the first time they sat, crawled, walked, or even smiled, are the memories you will live to remember and look back upon. Loving the Little Years by Rachel Jankovic will have you drooling over how blissful it can be to be a parent who witnesses these sweet little things your baby does. You might feel burnt out by all the burdens of the new baby-care routine you have adopted, but then you’ll read this book and remember only the good parts of being a new parent!
5- Teaching from Rest by Sarah Mackenzie:
Teaching from Rest is not just a guide to homeschooling, but rather a motivational literature about how you can give your child the best homeschooling experience while enjoying that experience yourself, too. Sarah Mackenzie homeschooled six of her children, and has detailed everything from experience. New parents who plan on homeschooling their kids would know that environment matters a lot, and Mackenzie can really help you with how you can eliminate any shortcomings that might be resulting from homeschooling. In fact, Teaching from Rest is such a successful book that it ranks at #5 on Amazon’s Christian Home Schooling books section.
These are the five books that every new mom and dad must have in order to see what they’re missing out on. You may already know how beautiful being a parent can be, but you will definitely feel a difference in your outlook on parenthood when you read these books!
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